LASIK eye surgery can be very successful when performed on the right patient. LASIK can treat severe degrees of nearsightedness, moderate amounts of farsightedness and astigmatism, but LASIK is not right for everyone. While the goal of LASIK surgery is to reduce dependency on glasses or contact lenses, having LASIK cannot guarantee 20/20 vision. Fortunately, […]
Refractive surgery is eye surgery that is performed to eliminate or reduce dependency on contact lenses or glasses, although some people still need prescription eye glasses or contacts after the procedure. It is used to improve the refractive state of the eye which improves natural vision. Refractive surgery can include a variety of methods of […]
LASIK vision correction is not recommended during or shortly after pregnancy. It is recommended that you postpone LASIK due to the following concerns: Hormone fluctuations: Fluctuations in hormone levels and fluid retention can cause changes in your vision and eye anatomy. It is common to experience small changes in nearsightedness or astigmatism during pregnancy. Hormone […]
If you’re tired of wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses, you may wonder whether laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery is right for you. LASIK eye surgery may dramatically improve your life and the way you see it. Your candidacy depends on a comprehensive vision exam by an experienced eye doctor to determine your personal visual needs […]
LASIK surgery offers a wealth of benefits for the average eyeglass wearer. If you’ve been wearing eyeglasses for a long time, consider a few of the benefits of LASIK listed below. Improved Vision: The primary LASIK benefit is that 95%of patients who undergo the procedure achieve 20/40 vision, the vast majority of those achieving 20/20 […]
You may have seen advertisements for LASIK at incredibly low prices. In 2013, the average price for laser vision correction was $2,073 per eye. So how can some centers advertise LASIK for $299, $499 or $699? What sounds like a great deal on the surface may be cancelled out by the fine print: The pricing […]
Cataracts will eventually develop in most people, including those who have had LASIK. Patients with signs of cataracts before LASIK should consider not having LASIK because vision may be better corrected with the intraocular lens used for cataract surgery. How are Cataracts Developed? Cataracts are a natural clouding of the crystalline lens of the eye. […]
Laser eye surgery is a procedure where a laser is used to change the shape of the cornea, the surface of the eye. Reshaping the cornea removes focusing errors and provides a more permanent solution to vision problems. PRK is a type of laser eye surgery or procedure where a single laser is used directly […]
Since millions of people choose to undergo LASIK surgery each year, the question of age for the procedure sometimes arises. Parents sometimes wonder whether their child may be a candidate when vision problems occur. The FDA has approved LASIK for people over the age of 18. Those under the age of 18 do not yet […]
LASIK is refractive eye surgery performed to correct or improve vision. During LASIK, a trained eye surgeon from Inland Eye Institute in Colton creates a flap in the cornea. A laser is then used to reshape the cornea, which corrects most vision problems. For people with moderate vision problems who also have a good health history, LASIK […]