Choosing a LASIK doctor is one of the most important decisions to make once you have decided to have LASIK surgery. But how do you know who the best person is for such a task? When choosing a LASIK doctor, consider the following key factors:
Credentials – One
should make sure that their LASIK doctor is board-certified, meaning that an
entity recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties has certified
the surgeon to practice their specialty. Also, make sure that the surgeon is
licensed in the state they are performing the procedure.
Technology – Understanding the type of technology that a surgeon uses is another important factor to consider. There are several different technologies that LASIK surgeons may use and there are many differences that contribute to precision and results achieved. For example, some surgeons may still use a microkeratome blade to create the corneal flap during LASIK surgery whereas many surgeons now use an all laser approach to laser vision correction. Other surgeons may offer the latest LASIK technology which provides a more individualized correction and more precise results. Modern lasers track and scan the cornea to deliver a consistent and effective outcome for the patient.
Patient Reviews –
Reviews from patients who have previously had LASIK performed by the surgeon
you are researching can give great insight as to what you can expect. Knowing
that the majority of the surgeon’s patients are satisfied with their experience
and would recommend the surgeon can be helpful to feeling more comfortable.
Number of Surgeries Performed – The outcome of your LASIK procedure will largely depend on the level of skill and experience your LASIK doctor has.Making sure that the LASIK doctor you choose to perform your laser eye surgery has adequate experience is very important. The more surgeries a LASIK doctor has performed, the more time they have had to perfect their skills.
Comfort: Finding
a LASIK doctor to trust your sight to is an important decision. A good LASIK
doctor should make you feel comfortable and help you decide on the best
procedure for you and your vision needs. Make sure you feel comfortable with
your doctor and all the information you’ve received before you proceed with
scheduling your procedure.
Choosing a LASIK doctor is very important and should be researched carefully. To schedule a consultation with one of our doctors in Rancho Cucamonga, contact Inland Eye Institute at 909-937-9230 or inlandeye.com.