Thousands of people across the globe have experienced the lasting benefits of laser eye surgery. Laser eye surgery has proven highly effective in most people with common vision problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. In fact, as many as 70% of patients will experience better than 20/20 vision once they’ve had the procedure. So, what makes laser eye surgery such an effective option for vision correction?
The most effective form of laser eye surgery utilizes the latest technology available to LASIK surgeons. In the early years of LASIK surgery, the procedure required the use of a mechanical cutting tool to create a flap in the eye’s cornea. Bladeless LASIK technology has advanced to the point where no actual blade is used, and surgeons are able to reach optimal levels of vision correction. Advancements in custom wavefront technology make it possible for a LASIK surgeon to use a computer-guided laser to reshape the cornea to the patient’s exact prescription.
This allows for the highest level of precision possible for vision correction. Unlike glasses or contact lenses, LASIK surgery actually reshapes your cornea to permanently correct your vision. Along with the incredible effectiveness of laser eye surgery is the knowledge that the process is relatively pain-free, with only minor discomfort and a very quick recovery. Plus, once you make the investment in LASIK surgery, you will soon discover the cost savings in no longer having to pay for new contact lenses or glasses. All of this makes LASIK eye surgery a preferred method of vision correction for many qualified candidates.
Laser eye surgery has many benefits, including:
- Proven to correct vision in most cases
- Minimal pain
- Vision is typically immediately improved
- Recovery is quick and usually no bandages or stitches are required
- Adjustments can be made years after laser eye surgery to further correct vision
- After having laser eye surgery, most patients no longer need corrective eyewear
Following laser eye surgery, it’s important to maintain regular eye exams to ensure optimal vision for the long term. Contact Inland Eye Institute at 909-937-9230 or inlandeye.com to find out if laser eye surgery could be an effective vision correction method for you.