If you are interested in having a vision correction procedure such as LASIK, it’s important to do your homework and properly research potential LASIK surgeons. When researching LASIK surgeons, consider the following:
Experience and Versatility. It’s important to select the most experienced LASIK surgeon you can find, who uses the most up-to-date, advanced technology. Consider the surgeon’s versatility and competency in a variety of refractive procedures. LASIK isn’t the only game in town, and it isn’t the best procedure for every person. Choose a surgeon who is comfortable and experienced with several procedures — such as LASIK, PRK, LASEK and clear lens replacement (refractive lens exchange) — and the latest technology. If your doctor displays a thorough understanding of these different procedures, then they can confidently choose the one that will be best to correct your unique vision problems.
Advertisements. Many refractive surgery centers advertise in newspapers and on radio, television and the Internet. Some ads are more informative than others. Some tout extremely good pricing. But while this can be a starting point, an ad or a procedure price should not be your primary criterion when choosing a doctor. Be cautious about slick advertising and/or deals that sound too good to be true. Remember, they usually are. There is a lot of competition resulting in a great deal of advertising and bidding for your business. Be wary of eye centers that advertise, 20/20 vision or your money back or package deals. There are never any guarantees in medicine. You should expect to pay more for a highly-skilled surgeon who is experienced in performing LASIK and uses the latest technologies. Remember, getting a great deal should not be the deciding factor for any surgical procedure. It’s much more important that you select a surgeon who you trust and have a good rapport with.
Referrals. Ask for a referral from your regular eye care practitioner, whether an optometrist or an ophthalmologist. Tell your doctor that you want the LASIK surgeon in your area with the best reputation in the profession. Also, the best LASIK surgeons themselves can be great sources of referrals. If you know of a refractive surgeon who is well respected in another state, call their office and ask for recommendations regarding good surgeons in your area.
Being an informed patient is a good way to set yourself up for success with LASIK or any medical procedure. Don’t base your decision simply on cost and don’t settle for the first eye center, doctor or procedure you investigate. Remember that the decisions you make about your eyes and refractive surgery will affect you for the rest of your life.
Taking time to choose the best surgeon for your LASIK procedure is a crucial step in increasing the likelihood of attaining a satisfying visual outcome. Contact Inland Eye Institute at 909-937-9230 or inlandeye.com to schedule a LASIK consultation with Dr. Blanton.