Unfortunately, most insurance companies don’t cover LASIK because laser eye surgery is nearly always considered an elective procedure and not medically necessary.
Although insurance does not often cover the cost of LASIK, certain people can get their laser eye surgery covered due to special circumstances.
The first way LASIK may be covered by insurance is if a person’s profession requires optimal vision. People who serve in special forces—including those serving in the military—and who meet specific vision requirements can sometimes get LASIK covered. This usually requires a significant waiting period and surgery in a military facility, and not everyone qualifies.
People with certain safety requirements (police or firefighters) or medical conditions—such as contact lens intolerance, severe dry eyes or severe allergies—might qualify for insurance-covered LASIK. Either of these conditions can make wearing glasses and contacts dangerous or impossible, leading to a need for LASIK. The conditions must be documented, and there must be a good-faith effort to use contacts and glasses. Even then, an insurance company might not view LASIK as medically necessary.
If you have health insurance, you should talk with your benefits coordinator directly to find out if you have any coverage for LASIK. Many of today’s big insurance companies negotiate with LASIK providers to offer members a courtesy discount. Additionally, LASIK is now included in many patients’ Medical Spending Accounts (MSA), Flex Plans (FP) or Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA).
At Inland Eye Institute in Rancho Cucamonga, we understand the frustration with wearing glasses and contacts and the desire to have LASIK. That’s why we offer a variety of flexible payment plans and financing options to help make laser eye surgery more affordable for you. To learn more about LASIK and payment options, contact us at 909-937-9230 or inlandeye.com.