LASIK eye surgery can be very successful when performed on the right patient. LASIK can treat severe degrees of nearsightedness, moderate amounts of farsightedness and astigmatism, but LASIK is not right for everyone. While the goal of LASIK surgery is to reduce dependency on glasses or contact lenses, having LASIK cannot guarantee 20/20 vision. Fortunately, most cases are successful in improving visual acuity.
To be eligible for LASIK surgery, potential candidates must meet the following criteria:
- Age: Candidates must be at least 18 years old.
- General health: LASIK candidates must be in good general health, and should not have certain health problems, including uncontrolled diabetes, autoimmune or collagen vascular disease, or take any medication or have any condition that compromises the immune response.
- Eye health: Candidates should be free of eye diseases including keratoconus, glaucoma, cataracts, corneal disease and certain retinal and optic nerve diseases. LASIK surgery candidates should not have certain eye conditions including herpes simplex and herpes zoster.
- Eye problems: LASIK patients should make their eye doctor aware of certain eye problems including amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (muscle imbalance) or any recurrent, residual or active eye conditions that may influence healing. Other conditions that should be discussed with the doctor include keloid scarring with previous surgical healing, back problems and claustrophobia. Please make Dr. Blanton aware of any mental health conditions, as these may also affect your LASIK surgery or recovery.
- Eye injury: Patients should not have any eye infections or injury.
- Nursing/pregnancy: Candidates should not be nursing or pregnant when undergoing the LASIK procedure. Hormones may affect the stability of your prescription, so pregnant or nursing women are not eligible to pursue LASIK surgery until three menstrual cycles after nursing has been discontinued.
- Dry eye condition: Patients should not continuously suffer from dry eyes.
- Stable vision: Candidates’ vision must be stable for at least one year prior to the procedure date.
- Contacts: Prior to your LASIK surgery consultation and LASIK procedure, you must not wear contact lenses for a certain length of time. The precise length will be determined by Dr. Blanton on an individual basis. This ensures corneal stability and accurate assessment of your prescription prior to the LASIK surgery procedure.
Corneal thickness plays an important role in determining proper candidacy for LASIK. Due to the nature of the procedure, candidates must have a minimum corneal thickness of approximately 0.5 mm.
A patient’s candidacy for LASIK also depends on an evaluation of the patient’s eyes, expectations and lifestyle by an experienced optometrist or ophthalmologist. Consult Dr. Blanton in Rancho Cucamonga for a LASIK consultation to determine if you are a LASIK candidate. Discover more about LASIK by contacting Inland Eye Institute at 909-937-9230 or inlandeye.com to book your LASIK consultation today.