Cataracts are a natural clouding of the crystalline lens of the eye. Many people with cataracts complain of poor distance vision, which is especially noticeable while driving.
Modern cataract surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis. Anesthetic is used to minimize discomfort and a sedative may be used to alleviate anxiety. An incision is made at the edge of the cornea and the cataract is removed.
Following cataract surgery, LASIK surgery can be performed to fine-tune vision. For example, astigmatism, which is not corrected by cataract surgery, can often be corrected by LASIK surgery. Cataract patients often consult a LASIK surgeon following cataract surgery to evaluate their options.
If you’d like more information on LASIK after cataract surgery, please call Inland Eye Institute in Colton at 909-937-9230 or inlandeye.com.