The vast majority of patients see very well after LASIK surgery and are happy with their vision. LASIK recovery is often minimal and very little time passes between surgery and when patients achieve very clear vision. In Colton, Dr. Blanton is dedicated to helping all patients achieve optimal vision and LASIK can be a great option for many.
Immediately After LASIK
You will see noticeably better without glasses immediately following your LASIK procedure. But while your eyes are healing, it is normal for your vision to fluctuate and be less than perfect during your LASIK recovery.
The post-LASIK healing process typically takes several weeks, and during this time it is not unusual to experience sensitivity to light, blurred and/or fluctuating vision, glare, halos around lights and poor night vision.
Also, most people experience some degree of dry eyes immediately after LASIK and this common side effect can last several weeks or even months after vision correction surgery.
Dr. Blanton will conduct a number of follow-up exams in the weeks and months after your procedure to monitor your progress and evaluate your vision and eye health.
It is important to follow Dr. Blanton’s recommendations during this follow-up period to increase your odds of a successful LASIK outcome.
General guidelines immediately after LASIK include:
- Do not rub your eyes
- Do not wear eye makeup or apply skin lotions near your eyes
- Do not swim or use a hot tub
- Avoid strenuous activity or contact sports
- Do not drive at night until you are told it is safe to do so
- Contact your eye doctor immediately if you develop new, unusual or worsening symptoms
- Use all prescription medicines and artificial tears as directed
LASIK Recovery Time 2-3 Months after LASIK
It is common for the eyes to continue to heal for at least 3 months after LASIK, which means your vision will also continue to improve. In patients with more severe prescriptions, their eyes can continue to heal for up to 6 months. Since everyone heals differently, it is not possible to know exactly how your eyes will heal, and in very few cases (3-5%) the patient will require an enhancement after their LASIK recovery time has passed and their eyes are stable.
If you would like more information about LASIK surgery, contact Inland Eye Institute at 909-937-9230 or inlandeye.com to schedule a free consultation today.