For some people, making the decision to have LASIK is not as straightforward as it is for others. Misunderstandings about the safety and cost of laser eye surgery can sometimes cause patients to hesitate to move forward. It’s important to understand the record of LASIK vs contact lenses, over both the short and long term.
LASIK vs Contacts Safety
A lot of the misperception about LASIK safety comes from the very earliest days of laser eye surgery, when the technology and procedure itself was new. It was hard for people to accept that something so radical could be safe. Time has proven those initial concerns to be without cause. The LASIK safety record has always been high, with complication rates so low as to be considered extremely rare. Now with steady advancements in the technology, the safety record is better than ever.
Most people aren’t aware that long or short term contact lens use can cause serious and permanent vision damage. In severe cases, it can even cause blindness. The reason contact lenses are so damaging is the simple fact that every time you put one in, you are inserting a foreign piece of plastic into your eye. Infections, bacterial irritation, altered corneal thickness, corneal ulcers and micro-cysts are just some of the possible complications. Astoundingly, for those regularly using contact lenses, vision-threatening infections occur at a rate of 1 in 2,000, whereas only 1 in 10,000 LASIK recipients experience complications.
LASIK vs Contacts Cost
Consider how much you spend on contacts. How many years have you worn contacts? How much do you pay for a box of contacts? How many boxes of contacts are purchased per year? How much do you spend on contact lens solution per year?
LASIK is an investment in your vision, and is more cost effective than a lifetime of contact lens wear. The average contact lens wearer will spend tens of thousands of dollars in their lifetime on contacts. Inland Eye Institute offers competitive pricing and financing to help make LASIK an affordable option for all prospective patients in Rancho Cucamonga.
Other LASIK Benefits
If you are currently wearing contacts, you understand that there are additional non-monetary costs. Contacts can affect your lifestyle. Even simple things like waking up in the middle of the night and trying to move about can be difficult. LASIK provides you with freedom and clear vision. Benefits include:
- Increasing your quality of life.
- Saving time during your daily routine
- Not having to worry about a rip or tear in your contact lens
- Not having to worry about losing a contact
- Being able to see anytime, anywhere
Time and research has proven that when it comes to the health of your eyes and vision, LASIK is a clear winner over contact lenses — but the decision to have LASIK vs contact lenses is not one that should be made without first fully understanding the benefits and risks. Not everyone is a candidate for LASIK, and at Inland Eye Institute we screen our patients thoroughly so that only those who are truly suitable for LASIK receive it. Contact Inland Eye Institute at 909-937-9230 or inlandeye.com to schedule a consultation today.