Now you have a deadline to stop being indecisive.
Dec. 31, 2014 is “Make Up Your Mind Day.” If you are known in your circle of friends for struggling to make any type of decision…from choosing a menu item to choosing a boyfriend, it’s time to stop wavering.
“Indecision may or may not be my problem.” – Jimmy Buffet
This wacky observation can apply to virtually any aspect of your life…including the decision to undergo a potentially positive life-changing procedure like Colton LASIK vision correction.
How many times have you:
- Gotten frustrated with your contact lenses?
- Broken or lost your prescription glasses?
- Ran out of contact cleaning solution in the most inopportune times?
- Wished you could participate in sports without the hassles of glasses or contacts?
If you have wished for 20/20 vision and wondered if blade-free LASIK in Colton might be the answer, what is holding you back?
- Cost?
- Fear?
- Time?
“The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision” – Maimonides
At Inland Eye Institute, we can help you learn more about your own eye anatomy and tell you if LASIK is a possibility for achieving 20/20 vision during a free LASIK Consultation. We’ll also explain in detail how the procedure is accomplished and what potential risks exist, as well as give you LASIK financing options to make the procedure work within your budget.
But the ultimate decision is up to you.
Isn’t it time you got decisive about your visual freedom?
Make Dec. 31, 2014 the day you decide to truly have a New Year, New You in 2015.