Many patients wonder what will happen on the day of their LASIK surgery. It’s natural to feel a bit anxious or nervous about having a procedure like LASIK and knowing what to expect can help ease a patient’s emotions.
Here is an overview of what happens on the day you have LASIK, including details about preparing for your procedure, as well as recovering from it:
Prior to Your Surgery
While preparation for LASIK surgery is significantly less intensive compared to other surgical procedures, there are a few things you’ll need to do to ensure that all goes well.
Here’s a simple checklist of things to remember while prepping for your LASIK procedure in Colton:
- Plan to spend 2 to 3 hours with us on the day of your scheduled procedure.
- Arrange for transportation. You will be unable to drive immediately following LASIK surgery, so you will need to arrange for a ride home from your procedure.
- Wear comfortable and casual clothing on the day of your procedure. It’s a little cool in the laser rooms, so remember to bring along a sweater.
- Do not drink alcohol on the day of your procedure.
- On the day before surgery, stop using makeup, lotions, perfumes or creams. These substances may cause debris to get into your eyes.
- Take a few days off. Some LASIK patients go back to work the day after their procedure, but Dr. Blanton recommends taking at least a couple of days to rest. Make sure you keep your expectations realistic. This is especially important if you work outdoors because you need to keep your eyes as clean as possible.
- Stop wearing your contact lenses. If you wear contact lenses, you’ll need to switch to glasses full time for at least a few weeks before your surgery. Contact lenses can distort the shape of your cornea which could lead to inaccurate measurements and a poor surgical outcome. Dr. Blanton will provide specific guidelines depending on your situation and how long you’ve been a contact lens wearer.
What is the Day of LASIK Surgery Like? Part Two to be continued…