LASIK refractive surgery has helped millions of people around the world achieve better vision. If you are considering laser vision correction, it can be helpful to know what to expect from LASIK before scheduling your procedure.
Before LASIK in Rancho Cucamonga, patients visit Inland Eye Institute to get their eyes thoroughly examined, talk about what procedures they are a candidate for, and then go over their options at length. This comprehensive evaluation is a critical, mandatory step in preparing for LASIK. During your evaluation, you will receive the latest in diagnostic testing to identify the laser platform and procedure best suited to deliver your best vision possible at any age.
Patient education is important to us and critical to your making an informed decision. We will answer all your questions and help you understand (based on your medical condition and history, prescription and diagnostic testing) what results you can expect after your LASIK procedure.
Please plan to arrive as rested and relaxed as possible on the day of your procedure. It is completely natural to feel nervous and excited before surgery.
Wear comfortable clothing and make sure to bring a sweater or light jacket because the surgical area may be cool. Do not use creams, lotions, eye makeup, hair spray, perfume or wear earrings or other jewelry above the neck. This is important since your eye area will be thoroughly cleaned for surgery and drops will be placed in your eyes.
Prior to your procedure, Dr. Blanton will spend a few minutes explaining everything that is going to take place, make sure you are comfortable and answer any final questions you may have. During the procedure, Dr. Blanton will give you instructions such as, “Look at the flashing red light” and will update you as to what’s occurring during each step of the process.
Immediately after surgery, your eye might itch, burn or be watery. Although you’ll be able to see after surgery, usually without glasses or contacts, your vision won’t be completely clear right away. It takes about two to three months after your surgery before your eye heals and your vision fully stabilizes.
At Inland Eye Institute, we want you to be comfortable, informed and prepared for your LASIK experience. Our goal is to help you through the process by guiding you with our extensive knowledge. Our highly trained staff will make sure you are comfortable and relaxed while you are with us. To learn more about what to expect from LASIK or to schedule a consultation, contact us by calling 909-937-9230 or visiting inlandeye.com.