You’re tired. Your eyes are itchy. Naturally, you rub your eyes and they feel better. What’s wrong with that, right? You can get dirt and germs in your eyes by rubbing them which could lead to eye infections. If you have progressive myopia, a form of short-sightedness caused when the eyeball is too long, rubbing […]
Was Mom right when she yelled at you for sitting too close to the television? Mom is right most of the time…but when it comes to television viewing distance, she’s wrong – at least today. There is no evidence that children or adults will damage their vision if they sit too close to the television. […]
Considering LASIK and wondering about recovery time? LASIK recovery can vary from patient to patient but is generally short. Immediately following your surgery, you will see noticeably better. You may notice dry eyes, a common condition, for several weeks or months post-surgery. Drops can help with this. You may also experience blurred vision, sensitivity to […]
What’s the hardest part of having LASIK surgery? It’s not necessarily the recovery. A lot of our patients say going without contacts is often the hardest part of LASIK. Before having a consultation for LASIK surgery, you must not wear your contacts from anywhere between 10 days to a month before surgery, depending on the […]
The old saying goes that “you’re never too old,” but are you ever too young? In the case of LASIK surgery, you might be. Can LASIK surgery be performed on children under the age of 18? Eyes are still developing all the way up to the age of 21. Until then, vision continues to change. […]
Are you over 40 and wear reading glasses? Chances are you have presbyopia. Presbyopia is an age-related process where people find they need to hold reading materials at arm’s length in order to read them properly. You might remember your parents or grandparents doing this and are dismayed that you are finding yourself with the […]
One of the most well-known eye surgeries is LASIK. When asked, most people have heard about it. But PRK, which stands for photo refractive keratectomy, is less well-known. What’s the difference? PRK and LASIK are both laser surgery procedures and both work by changing the shape of the cornea. The difference is mainly in the […]
Laser-assisted in Situ Keratomileusis, otherwise known as LASIK, is a procedure that permanently changes the shape of the cornea, the clear covering of the front of the eye, using an excimer laser. A mechanical microkeratome (a blade device) or a laser device is used to cut a flap in the cornea. A hinge is left […]
Cataracts are a natural clouding of the crystalline lens of the eye. Many people with cataracts complain of poor distance vision, which is especially noticeable while driving. Modern cataract surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis. Anesthetic is used to minimize discomfort and a sedative may be used to alleviate anxiety. An incision is […]
LASIK and other laser eye procedures have great records for successfully improving vision. However, it doesn’t always improve vision to the point where prescription corrective lenses are no longer needed. Wearing contacts after LASIK is sometimes necessary. While a follow-up procedure or enhancement may be able to solve the problem, it is not always the […]