The 2014 Olympics are over, but many of the athletes are still feeling the pain of disappointing losses. One such athlete is alpine ski racer, Bode Miller. After failing to reach all of his goals in Sochi, he revealed to the media that he would have changed the skis he used for one of the races, would have changed his skiing style and would have had LASIK vision correction surgery before the Olympics as he had planned.
“I was supposed to get an eye surgery earlier this year,” Miller said. “We just never found a time to do it because the race schedule was so tight. We were pretty [upset] looking back that we hadn’t found a time to do that. For me, my vision is critical. When the light’s perfect, I can ski with any of the best guys in the world. When it goes out, my particular style suffers more than the guys who are more stable and don’t do as much in the middle of the turn.”
Miller’s comments drive home the fact that waiting for the ‘perfect’ time to have LASIK simply doesn’t pay. So many people fret over the idea for years before having a LASIK evaluation…only to find out that they were never a good candidate for LASIK in the first place because of their eye condition or health condition.
At Inland Eye Institute, many of the patients we perform successful LASIK procedures on remark that they “Wish they had done it sooner” because of the level of visual freedom they experience after LASIK in Colton, California.
Even if you’re not an Olympic athlete, having better vision can not only improve your game…it can improve your life. Don’t regret not having LASIK. With the amazing LASIK technology available today, the perfect time to have LASIK is right now. Contact Inland Eye Institute at 909-937-9230 or inlandeye.com to schedule your free LASIK Consultation.