Make a “New Year, New Vision” Resolution

Welcome to 2014! We all make resolutions this time of year (to lose weight, stop smoking, get a better job), but despite our good intentions of putting ourselves first, our resolutions often get buried under other responsibilities. This year, make a conscious effort to move your own happiness up the priority list. Are you tired […]

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LASIK and Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a common refractive error, which means that the eye does not focus light properly on the retina (the back of the eye). This condition causes light to focus on areas in front of and/or behind the retina, making vision blurry or distorted at all distances. Astigmatism occurs when you have an irregularly-shaped cornea. […]

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Ways to Celebrate the Winter Solstice

The shortest day of the year is almost here. December 21st is the Winter Solstice; it’s the first day of winter and a great time to step back from all of the craziness of holiday preparations and just enjoy the simpler things in life. Here are a few suggestions we have for unwinding: Make a […]

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Busting LASIK Myths

If you have been considering LASIK, but you’re confused about some of the claims being made, you might be falling victim to some common LASIK myths. In this blog, we will provide the reality behind five common LASIK myths. #1 – Anyone can have LASIK. This simply isn’t true. Certain vision conditions and even your […]

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Celebrate Letter Writing Day!

Did you know that December 7 is Letter Writing Day? It’s a real observance that encourages people to swap their computer keys and texting thumbs for a pen or pencil…and to craft a hand-written note to someone. Sending someone a personal letter shows that you took time out of your busy schedule to share a […]

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Happy Thanksgiving from Inland Eye Institute 2013!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, the team at Inland Eye Institute would like to take a moment to share a few of the things for which we are thankful. We are thankful that: We have an outstanding ophthalmologist who is specially trained and highly experienced in LASIK vision correction. The LASIK technologies we’ve invested in […]

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Improve Your Vision for National Family Literacy Month®

The National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL) has designated the month of November as National Family Literacy Month®. Having the ability to read with your children can dramatically improve their performance at school as well as their economical, emotional and social development. Family reading time also helps to strengthen the family bond. At Inland Eye […]

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The Effect of Vision Problems on the Collective American Wallets

Prevent Blindness America (PBA) recently commissioned researchers from the University of Chicago to determine how the cost of vision-related diseases affects the American economy. What they discovered is that the long-term effects of eye diseases/disorders and vision loss cost our government, insurance companies and patients approximately $139 billion every year…and there is no growth end […]

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Possible Cause for High-Grade Nearsightedness Discovered

A recent study published in the American Journal of Human Genetics has identified gene mutations associated with severe, high-grade myopia (nearsightedness). Researchers at Duke Medicine found these mutations in the SCO2 gene that metabolizes copper, which is important to regulate oxygen levels in eye tissue. When there is too much oxygen, the eye’s development can […]

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Set up an Early Detection Plan for Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. At Inland Eye Institute we are proud to treat our patients as family, and we work very hard to make sure the procedures we perform for them are as life-changing as possible. Whether it’s through LASIK vision correction, cataract surgery, treatment for an eye disease or even just a […]

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